热轧机 Hot Mill

热轧机 Hot Mill

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  1. 单机架双卷取、多机架(粗轧加n机架精轧)两种形式

    Two Types: Single Stand Hot Mill or Multi-stand Tendam Mills

  2. 配备先进的L0、L1和L2系统,除了可以简化操作难度,还能智能生成道次表,简化生产

    With Advanced Control Systems Built-in (L0, L1 and L2), Reduces operator workload, Increase Efficiency and also generate Pass Tables for operator.

  3. 高生产速度、大轧制力可以最大限度提高产能降低成本

    High Mill Speed and Large Rolling Force to maximise Capacity and further reduce costs

  4. 集合多种配置,可根据产品不同选择不同配置,从而优化投入:立轧、TP辊、离线切废、在线切边

    Multiple bolt-ons to pick for different product ranges, minimise investments by targeting your product:  Edge Rolling, TP Rolls, Scraping, online Edge Trimming

  5. 用于生产高附加值产品,如航空材料、高铁材料、罐料和特种复合板

    For high added value products, such as Aerospace, High speed rail, can stocks and sandwich panels
